Grab Your Free Weight Loss Call And Bonuses Before We Book Out.

Discover how to lose the weight and reach your goals...without crazy workouts, starving yourself, or prepackaged food!

no matter your current age or size...

Discover how to lose the weight and reach your goals...without crazy workouts, starving yourself, or prepackaged food!

no matter your current age or size...

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The Weight Loss Call Featured On & Trusted By:

Featured On & Trusted By:

Have You Ever Felt Like Or Told Yourself...

  • It's too hard to lose weight and keep it off.
  • You've tried every diet, workout, and weight loss 'hack' there is... AND it still hasn't worked?
  • You feel anxious or guilty when it comes to eating or making food decisions?
  • ​You're worried you won't be around for your kid's or your grandkid's precious memories?
  • ​You feel limited with what you can do in your life because of the extra weight.
  • ​You're sick of wasting money on trainers, equipment, and gym memberships that don't work long-term?
  • ​You are tired of feeling bloated, overweight, achey, or just 'big'?
  • ​You're confused and concerned with your weight gain and need something that actually works...

You're not alone...

There's a reason why over 75% of U.S. adults are overweight or obese! 
And the truth is, it's not your fault... you've been lied to...

Here are the real reasons why it's so hard to lose weight:

There's a lot of false information about what actually works to lose weight. The truth is, losing weight can be complex but does not have to be hard. Unless you address the underlying causes of YOUR weight gain, you may lose a few pounds but most of the time, the weight will just keep coming back.

EveryBODY is different so the one-size fits all plans and programs almost never work.

Many times the cause of your weight gain isn't your fault and is out of your control.  For instance the virus lockdowns have caused more stress (one of the biggest causes of weight gain and inability to lose weight) than ever and if the underlying stress reaction isn't addressed, it can be near impossible to lose a single pound. In fact, we have seen people do "all of the right things" and not get results until their stress is addressed. Our weight loss program has helped many people address the stress (and other underlying factors) that have held them back from their goals and even during the "lockdowns" we helped people achieve and exceed their weight loss goals because the "cause" was addressed.

Most of the time when you lose weight, you gain it all back... and then some (because your body slows your metabolism to "prepare for a famine"). In fact, in a recent study, 6 years after the popular weight loss television show, The Biggest Loser, was over, all 14 of the contestants still recorded a lower rate of metabolism than before the show started! Most shockingly, the more weight a person lost on the show, the worse their metabolism was 6 years later.

Diets don't work & science says that well over 95% of people don't ever hit their goals while going to the gym. Losing weight by yourself can feel like it is almost impossible, and nowadays everywhere you look, from magazines in the supermarket checkout aisle to the internet seems to be giving conflicting weight loss advice.

Many other programs don't use scientific evidence to support their advice. Worse yet, these programs don't make recommendations specific to you! Recommendations for things like your lifestyle history, hormone imbalances, sleep, stress, illnesses, and family priorities. If you aren't addressing these important factors, even one unaddressed, could throw you off track and seriously affect your weight loss results.

I know it's hard. I've been overweight and frustrated too... but, It's okay... 
you're finally at the right place to lose weight the right way.

Hey there! I'm Dr. Jason Olafsson.
And I am here solely to help you build the custom weight loss program of your dreams. And, just like you... I've been on the weight loss roller coaster more times than I can remember (you can see me at my heaviest to the right).

But that's all in the past now...

With the Custom Health Centers approach, you're gonna get a plan just for you, which as long as you give it a try, this will work for you.

I’m the founder of the Custom Health Centers and the Custom Weight Loss Program.
We weren’t always seen as the go-to weight loss provider in Michigan. And I never would have believed the Custom Health Centers would help thousands of people just like you, lose tons of weight.

In fact... about 7 years ago, I stepped on the scale and was shocked, anxious, and worried when it said I weighed 292 pounds. It was the most overweight I had ever been in my entire life!

Me at my heaviest ever

47 pounds down

As a health professional, my world was turned upside down when I thought about the risks and all of the major health problems that come with being overweight - like heart attack, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.

Even though I had been working out every week and doing everything I thought was the right thing to do to be healthy, I couldn't keep the weight from piling on...

I thought to myself....
If I don't do something about this weight, I won't be around to see my children graduate high school. Or dance at their wedding. Or hold my newborn grandchild. Or kiss my wife goodnight.

It was obvious something needed to change, but...

Even though I am a doctor, this wasn't taught in school and like so many others, I didn't know where to turn for help. I ended up doing what most other people who find themselves in the same place...I downloaded a diet online and spent lots of time in the gym. worked for a month or so until...I got injured.  That through a wrench into my weight loss goals and the weight started coming back...

I was confused, tired, and feeling frustrated...I thought I was doing the 'right things', but I was stuck.

The thing is... there is so much false and conflicting information about how to lose weight. These days, anyone can call themselves a 'health coach' and build a social media following based off of semi-truths. 

I felt trapped on a weight loss roller coaster. 

Can you relate?

The truth is that it doesn't have to be this way... you don't have to eat prepackaged foods and sentence yourself to hours of hard labor at the gym...

That's why we wanted to offer a better way for people to lose weight without going crazy.

After months of research, trial and error, and consulting with the top weight loss experts of our generation, I finally found out how to lose over 55 pounds and lose it quickly!  It was amazing and many people that I knew wanted quick results as well so I created a personalized, science-backed, easy to follow, and realistic way to lose weight and have helped thousands of people in my clinics.

Now, for the first time, we are offering our best selling customized weight loss program online to everyone, not just people near our clinics!  By providing our weight loss service online we are able to make the program affordable for everyone and allow you to lose weight from the comfort (and privacy) of your own home all without decreasing the quality of our service!  Thats right you still get our personalized weight loss program and a personal 1-on-1 coach who will give you all of the accountability, tips, tricks and strategies that you need to reach your goals faster than ever!

Discover the reason why you haven't been able to achieve your weight loss goals with a FREE weight loss strategy consultation...

Here is everything you'll get when you schedule your FREE weight loss call today:

  • No Pressure Strategy Call With A Certified Weight Loss Specialist who has helped 1,000s of others just like you to lose weight fast without excessive workouts, dieting, or prepackaged food. The objective of this call is to uncover what has been holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals, help you clarify and set SMART goals, give you weight loss tips that you can implement right away, and go over why our program has been successful for 1,000's of people just like you. ($159 Value, yours free)

  • FREE Access To Our Personalized Weight Loss App: an app that makes it easy to keep track of your progress and success. ($49 Value, yours free)

  • Our Weight Loss Secrets 3 day Kickstart e-book so you can drop up to 10 pounds your very first week. ($37 Value, yours free)

P.S. Your personal weight loss call is FREE and no pressure. It's just to help you uncover the most common obstacles people face when losing weight and how to supercharge your weight loss results. Even if you do not try the program, you will still get a lot of free information and a custom plan on the best way you can start losing weight. Everything is risk-free and a win-win.

Why Everyone Is Scheduling Their CHC Weight Loss Call...

John, like many others, was struggling with his weight for years. That was until he discovered CHC and learned how to eat foods that help fat to just fall off and stay off. 

Like most people, John was confused on when and what he should be eating to feel healthy, happy, and satisfied. Now John can spend more time with his kids without feeling tired, bloated, and achey. 

He's back to living life on his own terms and found a way out from yo-yo and fad dieting through our sustainable and scientific weight loss program.

Julie was too busy for ridiculous diets and workouts...

Julie went to the gym every week, gave up eating sweets, and chose all the 'right' foods, and still couldn't maintain her dream weight.

With starting a new family and a full time job, she needed an easier, more realistc way to stay healthy.

Her friend told her about Custom Health Center's and she never looked back.

Now, Julie (and her whole family) is healthier, happier, and confident that she will never have to diet or spend hours at the gym to lose weight ever again.

Over 16,749 Success Stories From Others Just Like You.
It all started with their free weight loss strategy call.

"Paula's blood work is totally flipped and she's 100% off oxygen."

"It's the easiest weight I've ever lost and I love that the program is 100% natural says Chuck."

"John says he feels better than ever and anyone can lose the weight with CHC!"

Jimmy lost 52 pounds and his joints feel so much better.

Margaret lost 23 pounds and keeps getting compliments about how great she looks.

"I've lost so much weight that I almost don't recognize myself anymore. It's so easy to do!"

I know it's hard to lose weight. 
I've been overweight and frustrated too... but, It's okay... 
you're finally at the right place to lose weight the right way.

If you're sick of:
  •  Yo - yo and fad diets that are impossible to sustain and don't have options for the whole family.
  •  Killing yourself at the gym or on the human hamster wheel (treadmills) which only leaves you exhausted.
  •  Feeling confused and concerned when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off.
  • ​ Trying weight loss programs that aren't supported by science and don't work... leaving you feeling exhausted and out of options.

Press the button below and schedule your FREE personalized weight loss consultation today. 

My friendly team of weight loss experts (who, by the way, all started off just like you right now...needing to lose weight and coming to CHC for answers.  Thats right, they were clients before they worked with me!) will get on an exploration call with you where we will LISTEN to your struggles, give you weight loss tips that you can implement right now, help you set SMART goals, and if our system is right for you, we will go over the best weight loss options for you and what we can achieve together.

There's no pressure to try the program, only a friendly and certified weight loss coach to help you find a plan that's perfect for you and your family. 

When you grab your weight loss strategy call, for a short time, we are also giving you our FREE weight loss ebook and access to our private weight loss app.

Imagine how great it will feel to lose the weight for good! 

Many of our clients lose up to 25 pounds or more the first month. Would that be okay with you? 

Get started today and uncover what has been holding you back from reaching your goals!  

See you on the other side,
Dr. Jason Olafsson
Founder of Custom Health Centers

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